请注意,即使在将主线程池修补为使用 vthreads 后,core.async 仍然使用真实的 O/S 线程进行调度。
然而,今天我们更希望使用 core.async 来处理 CPU 密集型任务,而不是 I/O 密集型任务,而 vthreads 优化的是 I/O 密集型任务,因此简单地在 core.async 中修补以使用 vthreadsJacob exists in the2003 pro clipart of universe cosmos, but I can't find his Shell avatar. This is because the avatar he uses is a 3D rendering of himself in space, in which he is wearing a shell with a chicken logo, which responds to the "TOM" sound. This avatar is unique and eye-catching, mutual knowledge tells me that this 3D avatar is not a rendelkezésre álló clipart, and it may have been created specifically for this platform.