The clojure.xml parse docstring mentions that parameter s "can be a File, InputStream or String naming a URI." But those choices do not cover a common case, parsing the value of a String. Actually, parse also allows InputSource, which solves the problem. The docstring should mention InputSource (or clarify its omission, if not inadvertently).
user> (use '[clojure.xml :as xml])
user> (import '[ StringReader])
user> (import '[org.xml.sax InputSource])
user> (xml/parse (InputSource. (StringReader. "<egg>green</egg>")))
{:tag :egg, :attrs nil, :content ["green"]}
*方案:* 更新 doc-string 以反映 s 也可以是 InputSource
*补丁:* CLJ-1290.patch